한인 과학기술인 DB 프로젝트

VeKNI - 해외 한인 과학기술인 DB 구축 프로젝트
  • 개인정보보호정책 동의서
  • 기본 정보
  • 심화 정보
  • 작성 내용 저장 - 제출

개인정보 이용 동의서

- 관리 기관 : KOFST / 한국과학기술단체총연합회

1. 본인은 한국과학기술단체총연합회의 해외한인과학기술인 인력DB 사업과 관련하여 다음 각호의 정보를 수집 - 이용하는 것에 동의합니다.

가. 수집・이용목적
- 정부정책결정, 주요 국책사업 기획 및 평가위원, 공동연구자로 참여
- 정부 주요연구과제 평가 및 피어리뷰어 후보군으로 등록
- 국가 과학기술정책 수립 시 자문의뢰 
- 공학, 자연과학, 의학 등 과학기술 관련 분야 인재 초빙 및 채용 등 인력교류 후보군으로 등록
- 글로벌과학기술교류협력사업(세계 한인 과학기술인대회, BrainLink 사업 등)의 초빙과학자 및 초청연사 추천

나. 수집하는 개인정보의 항목
성명, 성별, 생년, 소속기관, 부서, 직위, 회사전화번호, Mobile 번호, 주소, Email, 국적, 거주국가, 전공분야, 세부전공, 학력(학교, 전공, 학위, 연구분야 등), 경력(기간, 직위 등), 수상, 특허/프로그램 출원, 등록실적, 연구 논문 발표실적, 대한민국과 공동연구를 경험했거나 교류했던 관계자 정보, 개인 강점 분야, QR, 기타 특이사항 등

2. 본인은 한국과학기술단체총연합회가 본인의 개인정보를 동의서가 작성된 때로부터 1항의 사용목적으로 활용 및 보유하는데 동의합니다.

3. 본인은 제1항의 정보를 비롯, 사업수행과정에서 추가적으로 제공되는 개인정보를 관련법령 및 국가연구개발사업 관련 규정에 따라 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 과학기술정보통신부 등 각 중앙행정기관에 제공하는 것을 동의합니다.

4. 본인은 상기 개인정보의 수집에 대하여 거부할 권리를 보유하고 있으며, 동의를 거부하면 보유명단에서 제외될 수 있다는 사실을 인지한 상태에서 작성한 것임을 확인합니다.

한국과학기술단체총연합회장 귀하

개인정보보호정책 (DSGVO, Einwilligungserklärung)

- 관리 기관 : VeKNI / 재독한인과학기술자협회

I. General information on data processing
The protection of your personal data is very important to us. We would like to inform you here about the processing of your personal data in connection with our organisation. We process your data exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in conjunction with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

II. Name and address of the controller
The controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is the

VeKNI e.V.
Association of Korean Scientists and Engineers in the FRG e.V.
The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the FRG
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 10
44801 Bochum, Germany

III. Specific information about your data
We collect and use your following personal data Name, gender, age group, photo, associated institution (position, department), e-mail, mobile phone number, office number, field of expertise, specialisation, country of residence, educational background (school, field of study, degree, research area, etc.), professional experience (duration, position, etc.), awards, patent and programme registration achievements, research and publication achievements, areas of interest In detail, the processing of your personal data serves the realisation of our business processes.

IV. Legal basis
We process your personal data with your consent or to fulfil a contract.

1. consent
The processing of your personal data, which is not based on a fixed business relationship, only takes place with your prior consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit.a) GDPR.
2. contract
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data by the responsible body is the mutual contractual relationship (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR) for the initiation or execution of contractual relationships - in this case the special contractual relationship through the agreed cooperation.
3. legitimate interest
We take all measures within our means to ensure the security and smooth running of all processes in our company. We may therefore process your personal data if this is necessary for the defence of legal claims asserted against us and does not outweigh your rights. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

V. Storage period
We delete your personal data as soon as we no longer need it, usually after termination of the contractual relationship. In addition, we only store your personal data if this is required by law or in specific cases for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims for the duration of a legal dispute (e.g. in proceedings under the General Equal Treatment Act, for the storage of patient data, etc.).

VI. Forwarding of your personal data
Your billing-related data will be forwarded to a tax consultant via a secure connection. In addition, we transmit data to our service providers (e.g. IT service providers) on the basis of order processing contracts in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.

VII. Your rights
As a data subject, you generally have
- the right to information about your processed data in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR
- the right to rectification of your data in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR if we process incorrect information about you
- the right to erasure of your data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, provided we no longer need them data and there are no legal retention purposes to the contrary
- the right to restrict the processing of your data in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR, if and as long as your objections to the data processing have not yet been clarified, and
- the right to object to the processing of your data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR if we process your data in our overriding interest. This is successful if our and public security interests conflict with your overriding personal interests in data processing.
You also have the right
- to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR), i.e. the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LDI) (https://www.ldi.nrw.de/).
We always fulfil all these rights. If you require further information, we will be happy to provide it to you. Please contact us for this purpose. You can find the full text of the GDPR at https://gdpr-info.eu/


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

We, the VeKNI eV would like to invite you to
- participation as a decision maker for government policy, planning and evaluation of major national projects and as a co-investigator
- registration as a candidate for the evaluation of major government research tasks and as a peer reviewer

You can revoke this consent in whole or in part at any time with effect for the future without giving reasons. All you need to do is send an informal notification by post to

VeKNI e.V.

Association of Korean Scientists and Engineers in the FRG e.V.
The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the FRG

Konrad-Zuse-Straße 10
44801 Bochum, Germany

Or an e-mail to info@vekni.org

The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. If you successfully apply for one of the above-mentioned purposes, further cooperation will be based on a special contract, for the mutual fulfilment of which no consent is required.

You can find out more about VeKNI e.V.'s data protection policy at any time by clicking on the link. https://vekni-service.org/https://vekni-service.org/%ed%95%9c%ec%9d%b8-%ea%b3%bc%ed%95%99%ea%b8%b0%ec%88%a0%ec%9d%b8-db-%ed%94%84%eb%a1%9c%ec%a0%9d%ed%8a%b8/

Declaration of consent
I consent to VeKNI eV contacting me for one of the above-mentioned purposes and processing my personal data required for this purpose.
I know that I can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.


◆ 아이콘이 붙어있는 경우 = 기본 정보 [ 공개 범위 : 한국과학기술단체총연합회 회원 ]
◇ 아이콘이 붙어있는 경우 = 심화 정보 [ 공개 범위 : 한국과학기술단총연합회, 과학기술정보통신부 ]

연락처 - 인적사항

소속기관 - 전공 분야

세부 정보

학력 [Education]



University or Institute


경력 [Professional Activities]


Name of Organization


Business in Charge

연구 실적 [Research Achievement]

추가 정보 [Extra Information]

작성 내용 저장

· "저장 및 URL 발송" 버튼을 누르지 않으시면 제출 후 업데이트가 불가능하며 내용을 새로 작성해주셔야 합니다.

작성 내용 제출

· "CV 양식 제출하기" 버튼을 누르시면 작성한 정보가 우선 재독과협 시스템에 저장되며, 이후 확인을 거쳐 한국과학기술총연합회 측으로 전달됩니다.

· 제출한 정보를 완전히 삭제하고 싶으시거나, 개인정보보호정책에 관련하여 문의사항이 있다면 info@vekni.org로 메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.